Wincenty Pol Memorial Room
Wincenty Pol Memorial Room is a form of a museum, dedicated to life and work of a distinguished poet and geographer Wincenty Pol, also the author of the name of Śmiała Wisła, new Vistula branch created in 1840. The Memorial Room also serves to protect and popularize the heritage of Żuławy and Mierzeja Wiślana areas.
The Memorial Room is located at 3 Turystyczna Street in Sobieszewo, in one of the oldest preserved builidings on Sobieszewo Island which itself is the third largest Polish island.
The Memorial Room dates back 40 years, to 1974. Originally, it was located it one of the school rooms in local primary school. After few years it has been moved to the building at Turystyczna Street, which before WW2 used to be an elegant hotel “Lindenhof”. Thanks to the commitment of local activists and the very great grandson of the poet, late Adam Pol, a variety of exhibits connected not only with life and work of Wincenty Pol, but also with cultural and natural heritage of the Island and Żuławy Wiślane, has been collected.
Since 2007 the Memorial Room has been supervised by „Wyspa Skarbów” of Gdański Archipelag Cultury organization. After a thorough renovation and reorganization of exhibits, a new era of activity has begun. The younger audience is offered a variety of educational workshops to acquaint them with the culture and marine traditions of the area. The older visitors can find multimedia presentations a great way to get to know the history of Sobieszewo Island and Żuławy Wiślane. It has become a tradition now, for the Memorial Room to organize special exhibitions for the events such as the Museum Night or European Heritage Days.
Our work is highly inspired by Wincenty Pol’s ideals of spreading the knowledge about the local history of the Island and surrounding areas of Mierzeja and Żuławy Wiślane. We try to bring this knowledge and memory of his work to everyone who visits the Memorial Room.
Paweł Jaraczewski, GAK Wyspa Skarbów
English translation by Magdalena Szubstarska
Envrionmental protection of Sobieszewo Island
Ornithological Station Museum and Institute of Zoology of Polish Academy of Sciences in Górki Wschodnie is a part of the Sobieszewo Island’s landscape since 1957, when he Institute of Zoology of Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in Warsaw decided to move the Migrating Birds Research Station to the seaside. The place they choose was not random – the Island is located on the European bird migrations trail and is a popular wintering spot for many of them. What is more, there are two nature reserves: Ptasi Raj and Mewia Łacha, and the area is part of the NATURE 2000 project, with the special rights of the protected landscape status.
The common nature protection program for the Island
The natural values of Sobieszewo Island are most certainly its assets, and that is why it should be appreciated and protected with special care. It is the reason why all environmental actions and efforts undertaken by the local organizations, institutions and others, are of such a paramount importance. One of them is “Protect the Nature on Sobieszewo Island” project, running since 2010. It has been initiated by LOTOS SA with other institutions participating: Ornithological Station PAN, KULING Water Birds Research Group, Friends of Sobieszewo Island Association, Biology Sation of the University of Gdańsk and GAK “Wyspa Skarbów” Culture Institute. Thanks to the LOTOS SA financial support, a variety of actions has been made possible.
Ornithological Station in action
Ornithological Station, being a research agency, according to its statute, conducts ornithological research, including the questions of environment, migrations, placement, numbers and clutching of the birds – with the special care for the protection of the birds’ biodiversity. The Station is a part of the state environment monitoring program, provides environmental consulting and scientific education. On the premises there is also Bird Ringing Center, representing Poland in EURING (European Union organization for bird ringing schemes). The Center conducts trainings for the ringing personnel and gathers information on ringed birds in Poland and the ones who come from abroad.
Scientific education for all ages
As the part of the ‘’Protect nature on Sobieszewo Island’’ program, Ornithological Station is in charge of scientific education. It organizes lectures on ornithology, with the use of its spacious premises, large collection of exhibits and the professional knowledge of the lecturers. The lectures are deisgned mainly for the school audiences. The Station also takes part in other events of the program, such as family picnics, the Island Half marathon, or other regional events like Baltic Science Festival, International Migrating Birds Day and others. The Station is open to all kinds of educational initiatives.
Alicja Bielska
Stacja Ornitologiczna MiIZ PAN
[email protected],
English translation by Magdalena Szubstarska